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Omega pecan cookie mix

Omega pecan cookie mix

Regular price €3.75 EUR
Regular price Sale price €3.75 EUR
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This mix mainly contains omega ingredients such as linseed, chia seed, sesame seed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. But also pecan nut.

The coarse ingredients such as the pecan nut are crushed so that all sizes of birds can eat them. Of course there may be some coarser pieces in between.

Still to add yourself: 2 tablespoons coconut oil (I melted them beforehand in the microwave) an egg. And if it is too dry, add a little coconut oil or water. I didn't need that myself.

This is for the 150 grams. Use double for the 300 grams.

18 to 20 minutes in the middle of the preheated oven at 180 degrees.

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